Why helping this church?


Hi, my name is Joel Madasu. I am a national missionary to India and the founder of Gospel Heritage Ministries Inc. During our last trip to India, I met Pastor Timothy. He is been pastoring the Church for 10 years in the New Palavancha area.

Through years of hard work, Pastor Timothy has brought the Church to this point in spite of going through many hassles. He needs our help to complete the Church because: (1) People would have a place to worship the Lord, and (2) a Church speaks of the testimony of Jesus Christ. Let us share our love with this Church. Let us enable the Church to be a light to those who are in darkness. Would you please help complete the Church? You may not see him face to face, or the congregation of the Church or the community this Church is placed in, but know for sure, the Church will thank the LORD for you and thank HIM for HIS compassion through you.

I am trying to help Pastor Timothy complete the Church so that God's people would have a place to gather together and worship the Lord, become mature in their Christian walk by hearing the Word of God.

We need the funds to complete the Church building. The cost includes purchasing of cement, bricks, sand, carpentry work, plumbing, and paint.

Please help this congregation! And please share this campaign with others. We never know how God would use us to accomplish His work.

Church Pictures


Every Brick Helps Complete the Church.

Please help Pastor Timothy complete the Church so the congregation will have a place to learn about God and worship Him!